Sabtu, 02 Mei 2009


Kgem lagi nulis cerpen berbahasa Inggris. Yah meskipun masih sedikit berantakan sih bahasa Inggrisnya (maklum anak Indonesia asli sih) tapi Kgem coba buat nulis. Nah kalian bisa baca sendiri deh ceritanya.

In the beautiful night with a beautiful moon, Tania was muse. She looked her calendar in the wall. “One week again, my mom’s birthday. What can I give to her? I didn’t have some money?” asked Tania to herself. Years ago, Tania bought a chocolate sponge cake to her mother. And 2 years ago, she crocheted shawl to her mother. That time, her mother was happy. “Ah….maybe I think it tomorrow.” Said Tania with slept.
In the Sunday morning, Tania helped her mother.
“Tania, where is Clara?”
“Maybe still slept, mom.”
“But, now is 06.30 a.m. Tania, mom want you to wake Clara up.”
“Ok, mom.”
That’s Tania’s little sister. She was very very lazy. Everyday, she always late to wake up. Fortunately, she seldom late to go to school.
Actually, Tania had an idea about gift to mom. She wanted to sew skirt to her mom. Finally, she wants to go to Mrs. Rira, her neighbor to studied sew skirt.
“May I go to Mrs. Rira house, mom?” Tania said
“Okay, no problem. But you must go home at evening not night.”
“Of course, mom. Thank you.”
Finally, Tania went to Mrs. Rira house. During one week, Tania always went to Mrs. Rira house after school to sew skirt for her mother.
One week later…..
“Tania, you’re very clever. I believe that your mom very like this skirt.” Said Mrs. Rira
“Thank you, Mrs. Rira.”
“Do you want to have a dinner with me? I have a chicken soup.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Rira but I want to go home. I don’t want my mom confused to wait me.”
“Ok, no problem, Tania. Bye…”
One day later, Tania wanted to know her school report card. Tania was very afraid. Her mother went school to bring her school report card.
“Ok, my lovely student and your parents, I know every student in this school are clever, but just a one student that have a gold medal.” Said Mr. Harjito, the headmaster.
“The student is…….. Tania Agustina Lawela.” Said Mr. Harjito
Tania was very happy to hear it. Her friends claps their hands to Tania. She went to in front of the class and get the gold medal.
Arrive home, Tania and Clara celebrated her mother’s birthday. “Mom, this is the gift for you.” Said Clara and kiss her mother. “Thank you, my little Clara. Wow… the wallet is very beautiful. Mom very like it.” Said mom. And than, Tania give the gift for mom,” Mom, I know the gift is not good than Clara’s gift, but Tania make this gift myself. I hope mom like that give” said Tania. “Oh… Tania, this is a very good skirt. Mom like this skirt. But, Tania, you already give the special gift for mom. What is it? It is to be a clever girl. You be a clever and diligent girl is a very wonderful gift foe mom.” Said Mom. And then, Clara and Tania hug her mom.

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